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One Design Adjustable

On All Screen Sizes.

Every day, the number of devices, platforms, and browsers that need to work with your site grows. Our Responsive web design represents a fundamental shift in both design and its coding. This is how we build websites for the decade to come.

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Responsive Web Design Banner

Responsive Web Design

95% of people are switching to multiple screens to browse the internet! So, to target all your potential clients it's important to have a website that is optimized for all devices. Responsive websites have a single URL and HTML code which gets optimized according to the screen resolution on which it is opened thus giving an optimum viewing experience. Past few years have brought a flood of web enabled devices including smart phones, Kindles, tablets, net books and, the newest addition, phablets. This has popularized the responsive design concept amongst web entrepreneurs and businesses.

Top 3 reasons why you need a responsive design

  • Google loves
    responsive website.

  • Responsive design are
    more sustainable.

  • Mobile devices are the
    future of internet.

Responsive Design Technical Details

Responsive websites use CSS3 media queries, fluid proportion-based grids, and flexible img to create a visual Experience,
that remains the same as screen size changes on which ever device or browser your client use.

While most traditional websites fall apart on smaller screens, responsive ones adjust text, graphic and other elements as per screen resolution.
A website not optimized for smaller screens cannot cater to mobile users. Responsive ones can, and that too without compromising user experience.

As a company of responsive design experts, we make cutting edge websites that effortlessly fit all machines by adjusting resolution, image size and scripting.

Responsive Web Development Nepal

Responsive Portfolio

To get more information about the best of best responsive work done by Profile Nepal web design specialists so far check out our detailed Responsive Design Portfolio. Speak to our project managers and learn how ProfileNepal experts can help you dominate all types of devices with one superior responsive platform.

  • Attractive and exclusive design
  • Customized web design
  • Simple and user-friendly interface
  • Responsive web design

Resolutions we'll take care of

Responsive websites use CSS3 media queries, fluid proportion-based grids, and flexible images to create a visual experience that remains the same as screen size changes.

Responsive Designs For Screen Sizes

Profile Nepal Have Expert Responsive Designers

Profile Nepal has been active in the web services field since before 2004 and our name is counted among the best responsive website design company in Nepal and globally. With diverse experience and expertise we understand what is required to make futuristic websites that can dominate all screen sizes.
Our day to day design and development processes :

Responsive Web Design Info

Cost effective, Domain Registration & Hosting from Profile Nepal

Now you can show your business a new way to grow exponentially with our latest performance based web hosting solutions.

  • 3+ Years

    100% Nepali based
    company since 2013

  • 1 Year

    Free Technical

  • 1000+

    Domain Successfully Running
    which Registered by
    Profile Nepal

  • Experts

    In Custom Design
    & Development

Location & contact details

Office # New RD, Pokhara, Kaski, Gandaki, Nepal

Postal Code: 33700 (Profile Nepal)

+977 9846617227 (Mobile)